The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129390   Message #2905441
Posted By: olddude
12-May-10 - 02:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat's Current *Protected Class*?
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat's Current *Protected Class*?
What circle ?   It is like anything anywhere, some people we make friends with , others we avoid ... like working in the office. Some of the folks become very close buddies and lifelong friends ... others we can't handle for one reason or the other ... friendship have a lot to do with people who are like ourselves or if we see something in them that we would like to be ... the social dynamic is something that just exists for some, not for others ... but the ones like in an office that we are not close with, they too have friends that are very close to them and probably would not wish to be friends with us ... everyone has friends and most of those friends share traits in commons ... the us I am talking about is in general ... for all people ... not us as in mudcat

Why would we cut one of our close friends more slack than others ... well because we do that for all of our friends don't we ? If you buddie who is a neighbor does something you don't like, we cut them a break because we like all of us, there is good, there is bad .. for those we call friends, the good always out weights the bad or they would not be our friends ... Nothing that I said applies to mudcat it applies to life in general