The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128314   Message #2906023
Posted By: Bobert
13-May-10 - 09:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Republican response to Health Reform
Subject: RE: BS: Republican response to Health Reform
Well, here we go again with that "r" word... Seems that the conservatives here and elsewhere think that "regulation" is the enemy...

Horrors!!! If we regulate anything then the next thing ya' know s that we'll end up as a socialist country!!! That is their mindset...

The problem is that we tyried 3 decades of deregulation and letting marrkets police themselves and in the words of Dr. Phil, "How's it workin' for ya???"

What is has produced is a massive redistribution of wealth from the working classd to the wealthy and corpoartions running rougshod over not only the working class but over the environment as well... Yes, it has been a very good 30 year run for the wealthy but it hasn't served our country very well when it is compared to other nations in qulaity of life issues, like life expectancy, employement, standard of living, infant mortality, edfucation, etcv. etc...

Face it, the US is a declining nation and the letting industry, and monopolies write their own rules is at the heart of what ails it...

Yes, the health care industry needs some over due regs... Like pricing of procedures... They are way off the scale... I just had a basil cell removed from my face... The outpatient procedure lasted less than 5 minutes... The bill was $2300!!! My wife had a brace made for her thumb base arthritis... Total time to make it was less than a half an hour... The bill was $1700!!! These are crazy charges... I mean, I understand the idea of profits but this is theft!!! Time to rethink deregulatioon that allows the hospitals to decide just how much ***they*** think they are entitled to for performing minor procedures... Or even major ones...
