The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129172   Message #2907706
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
15-May-10 - 05:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Religious beliefs - no standing in law
Subject: RE: BS: Religious beliefs - no standing in law
Bill D: "Is that a slogan or just an aphorism?"

The word 'religion' means, 'way of life'.

Slogan?? aphorism??

What is music?..another vehicle to get people to 'notice' you?? if one deserves to be noticed for doing nothing but boring shit?

I guess, it's how much you 'believe' in what you are doing. From what I've seen, many of these so-called 'liberals', are not 'accomplishers' of anything much of value, but hide behind what they think is 'hip' to hide their self inadequacies!

To answer your question, Love is the reason, the motivator, and the objective of much anything worth accomplishing.

If you write a piece of music, is the objective to make people yawn? or feel nothing?....and what you want them to feel, is it anything more than just horny??(if they needed any help?) Is it to make them feel more greedy? More selfish? Inspired to become a serial murderer?

No, just a slogan...(rolls eyes).
