The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129519 Message #2908045
Posted By: Artful Codger
16-May-10 - 12:27 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: The Railway Belle (Harry Clifton)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Railway Belle (Harry Clifton)
ABC transcription of the melody (from the same source):
X:1 T:The Railway Belle C:Words and music by Harry Clifton, 1866 S:Period sheet music, provided by Steve Gardham Z:Artful Codger M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=104 " Allegretto" K:Bb % % Verse F | F/ F/ e d/ d/ c | B D F B/B/ | A A G/ G/ F | d2-d> F | w: I tra-vell'd for Gal-li-pot, Cork, and Co. In the "pick"-ling vin-e-gar trade_ And % F/ F/ e d c/ c/ | B D F> B | A/ A/ c G F | B2-B> B | w: ne-ver had cause for a mo-ment's woe Till meet-ing a fair young maid_ Who % A c d> c | c B G A/ A/ | B/ B/ c =e> d | c2-c> A | w: serv'd be-hind a first class bar On the Chat-ham and Do-ver line_ Re- % A c d> c | c B =e> d | c> =B _B G | F2-HF || w: fresh-ment room I ought to say, But that mis-take is mine._ % % Chorus % Tempo di Polka. "^Chorus." F |: F B/ B/ B/ B/ c/ d/ | e G G (A/B/) | c A F f | w: I try to be mer-ry but it is no use, My* case is ve-ry % d3 z/d/ | f e/ e/ =B/ B/ c/ c/ | e d A B/ B/ | w: hard. She left me as sil-ly as a farm-yard goose When she % d/ d/ c G> A | B2-HB [1 F :|2 z || w: mar-ried that Rail-way Guard_ I
I worked up a polyphonic transcription, but although a nice score can be generated from it, it has some voice sync problems that I haven't been able to resolve. So I may have to re-transcribe into Finale to get a properly sync'd MIDI. In any case, MIDIs and a full ABC will be appearing here within the week.