The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129212   Message #2908349
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
17-May-10 - 12:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: May 2010 Declutter & Accountability
Subject: RE: BS: May 2010 Declutter & Accountability
Kat, that sounds like a great day, and it allowed all of you do deal with issues of space and stuff in your own way.

My feet are aching after a day of working in the yard. I cleared along the back fence, and I took out a lot of smaller limbs (that I could get with the loppers or the bow saw). And I took out a couple of small hackberries along the back fence. (The fence is built too far into my property, so though it was on the outer edge of the fence, they're still my trees. Next time we need a new fence, we'll split the cost of the survey and the fence and get it put in the right place. The mistake was made by the original owner of this house.) I let that neighbor know that I won't leave those down trees long on her "back 40" (the property behind her privacy fence) because I'm cutting a lot of this up for the bulky waste pickup. Early June is our part of town's turn (it's quarterly). I'll have a lot to go out there this time.

I was about ready to wrap up that work by mowing the lawn, ready to kick back, when I got a call from the ex. He needed to help our son make a Puerto Rican dish for his Spanish class tomorrow (and of course, said son didn't mention it till mid-afternoon on Sunday. Son wanted to make a fried banana dish called tostones, but they wouldn't have been very good served a day after they were cooked, and cold. When fresh they're kind of like a super french fry). Instead, they chose a couple of dessert like things - fried battered finger bananas and a crispy coconut and sugar topping. The coconut was grated before they came over here, but when they got cooking I'll spare the details. They came to my house to cook because I had the cast iron skillets needed, plus various ingredients. It seems that the ex doesn't cook much these days. I also had a little deep fryer that made the bananas a lot easier, but there was considerable cleanup after everything was made. Now to take it to school tomorrow morning.

My aching feet are telling me it's time to put them up on a mattress and call it a night.