The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128156   Message #2909340
Posted By: GUEST,ollaimh
18-May-10 - 02:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
Subject: RE: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....

to jim campin. yes many countries have a higher age of consent for people in positions of authority.

the age of consent in canada is 21 if the under 21 year old is having sex with a person in authority, including employer, supervisor, teacher and yes preist or other religious leader. many american states have the same kind of provisions, because people in authority should not be using their postion to get sex from even young people who are not minors.

i repeat that no one should be attacking the abused . its time for catholics to listen, for a very long time and not talk. a genuine truth and reconcilliation commission would be good, run by non catholic authorities, preferable world wide, not just for sexual abuse but also for the tens of thousands of native children who were denied normal health care and died in residential schools. inspector general bryce said in canada in 1907 that the condiditons were"criminal" for native children. he was dismissed from his job and had his medical licence taken away. thats how evil the system of churches and governments have been and remain. they are just a little more sophisticated now.