The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126555   Message #2909961
Posted By: LilyFestre
19-May-10 - 11:40 AM
Thread Name: on to Life!
Subject: RE: LilyFestre - Only one more chemo to go!!
Next yoga? There's a drop in class tonight but I am going to an I Can Cope meeting for folks living with cancer...whether it be now or in the past. I think I am one of the few in the room still receiving treatment. They are a good bunch of people and often have guests to speak about various things...nutrition, exercise and tonight it's about acupuncture for pain management and hot flashes....right up my alley! Never say never....although I'd have to talk to my doc about it first.

Beginner yoga class tomorrow and if my body will allow, I'd like to go. Although, I can feel the tell tale signs on pain starting in. Hips are tender, backs of my hands are in the meantime, I'm puttering around the house. Ran the vaccuum cleaner, going to sweep and dust the living room next. Pete did the dishes and I cleaned up the counter. My kitchen table is ALMOST know....puttering. I slept in late this morning and am tired which I know is going to be part of the I do a little and take a break...hence my visit here.

On days like this, I wish I had a hot tub with those swirling water jets to chase away the aches before they get ugly.

Anyone ever hear of or take (I did google it so I'm looking for more personal experience than info) hydromorphone?
