The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129566   Message #2910232
Posted By: gnu
19-May-10 - 07:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Most Beautiful Thing in the World?
Subject: RE: BS: Most Beautiful Thing in the World?

But, since I have none...

That last hour before dark up in the bog country of Kent County on a fall eve when it's cold and the wind is none. All completely shuts down. All. Even the mice rustling through the leaves. Not so much as a whisper. So quiet that I have snapped my fingers gently by my ear to see if the deafening silence was real.

Then, the moonlit fall night that ensues with no wind... walking through the woods at midnight and wondering why all the animals are "taking the night off"... not up and aboutst feeding or mating... it's very puzzling. It's eerie.

Or, on the new moon, lying prone on the crest of a hill and looking at the clear sky to try to find a spot where there are no stars only to find it such a silly waste of time. But magical to witness.

Many others, but, I know a baby would be more beautiful than all of them because so many people say so. Mum included... and I trust her.