The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129585   Message #2910386
Posted By: Rob Naylor
20-May-10 - 03:07 AM
Thread Name: Accents: Russel Crowe and Robin Hood?
Subject: RE: Accents: Russel Crowe and Robin Hood?
DH: These antipodeans have got no sense of humour

True. Having worked with many antipodeans over several decades, they tend to be wonderful at dishing it out but not quite so good at taking it.

On one occasion, in Papua New Guinea, I'd been the butt of "whingeing Pom" jokes for days. I finally retaliated with a barbed comment about Aussie farmers nad *their* whingeing about the weather putting Poms into the shade. The Queenslander I was working with immediately bristled: "So you don't like Aussies, then?".

I replied "I've got no problems with Aussies, but I get pissed off with the attitude of a lot of the white bastards that have moved there in the past couple of hundred years".

His mates had to haul him off me!!! He wouldn't speak to me for the rest of the project.