The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126555   Message #2911585
Posted By: LilyFestre
21-May-10 - 05:52 PM
Thread Name: on to Life!
Subject: RE: LilyFestre - Only one more chemo to go!!
Hello My Friends,

    Today started out rough.....lots of nausea and I had to be on the road. Ugh. I travelled to Geisinger (about 2 hours away) with my mom today for her post-surgery check up. Everything with her is WONDERFUL!!!   Part of her surgery involved a scope to make sure her ovaries are ok and they are!!!!! I know I don't have to tell you that I cried tears of relief for her!!!!
    I pushed myself around the hospital in a wheelchair....too much walking for my legs today. And let me just say..I should do that more often...what an awesome workout for my upper arms!!! I'm NOT a great driver of wheelchairs...damn doors and corners!!! ;)
    We stopped at a nursery on the way home and because I so loved last night's potting adventures, I picked up some more herbs...basil and parsley and also 3 larger pots of dark purple salvia...LOVE IT! We stopped for Thai food for lunch and I think I ate about 1/4 of a cup of food and brought the rest just isn't too appetizing today and that's ok. We also stopped at a farmer's market where I got a round loaf of the best oatmeal bread ever, a few bunches of rhubarb (gonna make rhubarb crisp and freeze a bunch) and a 6 inch rhubarb pie. Mmmmmmmmmm. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. For today, I am finding that food looks and smells good but a few bites and I'm done....weird, but true. Maybe it will help get off the multiple pounds I gained during the last treatment when I couldn't get enough to eat!!!!
    Bone pain kicked in around 2:00 so I had some more percoset. I'm leery of the new meds...not sure why.....I think I want to know that I have something REALLY powerful if I need it if that makes sense.
    We had bear tracks in the driveway...mama bear and baby bear....very sweet...disappeared into a tangled mess of honeysuckle.
    Also, I just got off the phone with my nana who told me how proud she is of me and how I've been handling things. Compliments like that don't come often in my family and I think I'm still beaming!!! :) She was also telling me how *CUTE* her cardiologist is...LOL....cracks me up!
    I'll stop for now, although if you were here with me, I'd put some coffee or tea on and we could sit on the porch and chat awhile. My mouth is working better than my hands (which are swollen and painful today) so I'm going to stop typing for now.
    Love to you all!
