The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129585   Message #2911763
Posted By: Ebbie
21-May-10 - 10:59 PM
Thread Name: Accents: Russel Crowe and Robin Hood?
Subject: RE: Accents: Russel Crowe and Robin Hood?
I am bemused, as often before, at all of y'all's (threw that in- bet you don't know which part f the US that comes from) dissertations on accents. In the US I think it matters a great deal less, although we have distinct accents and regionalisms that are dead giveaways.

For instance, a born and bred New Yorker, no matter from which borough, is going to talk like an Alabaman. Nor will a Kentuckian be mistaken for a Minnesotan or an Oregonian for a Texan.

But I should think it would be no problem. Unless it is a documentary or an official biography of a particular person. If the story, for instance, pursued a president born and reared in the Virginia piedmont, one would be a little taken aback if he spoke staccato New Yorkese.

Do you people across the water truly expect an actor to capture the cadences and nuances and accents of a language they studied after they were adult?