The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129630   Message #2911792
Posted By: olddude
22-May-10 - 12:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama's Brownshirts?
Subject: RE: BS: Obama's Brownshirts?
After wading through a sea of these endless lets bash the other party threads I would like to respectfully suggest that in America if an elected official, Obama in this case is not the guy you like in power, then simply vote for someone else in the next election. You see like it or not, whoever it is, they can be voted out. And if the majority of the American people think he, she, they are doing a fine job, then they will get the majority vote and will remain in power.

In the meantime, anyone in office regardless of party, that you or me or anyone else doesn't like, they are however, ones that the American people said they want in office. Me I could not stand Bush, Junior, senior or anything in between but the people elected them and I simply voted for the other guy until the other guy finally won ..

That is the best approach since these threads do nothing but garner hard feelings, arguments and contempt for one another and simply are not productive to anyone or anything for that matter.

Now is it wrong for a bunch of thugs regardless of party to harass anyone ... yes ... that is a matter for the police. Is Obama the blame, no ... I suspect the commander and chief has far more important things to address then to organize the harassment of some GM or whoever. So everything becomes this big political knee jerk political rambling. If harassed, Take the matter up with the cops , that is what I would do....