The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129630   Message #2911898
Posted By: Bobert
22-May-10 - 08:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama's Brownshirts?
Subject: RE: BS: Obama's Brownshirts?
Hey, ya'll...

Apparently ya'll ain't watchin' Glen Beck... MSNBC, granted a left leaning station, did a piece on Glen Beck's addiction to using references to Hitler and Nazis when talkin' about Obama... I mean, it was dozens of snippets of his show where he did exactly that...

So is it any wonder that the righties here have polluted their own abilities to ferret out the truth??? I mean, if you have right wing propaganda in yer ear 24/7, hey, this is what you are going to get...

The problem with it, as I have pointed out, is that Obama has done nuthin' to deserve these references while the right's hero, George Bush, ordered up two invasions which snuffed out upwards of a million lives!!! This is the real story here and the right knws it... They are just too guilty to confess that that ****blood**** is on their hands and the hands of ****their**** heros... That's the real story but...

...rather than admit that they are accomplices to mass murder they try to change the subject with these hysterical and bogus lies about Obama...

The real brownshirts are those on the right... They are the one's with the blood o their hands...
