The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129630   Message #2912310
Posted By: Bobert
22-May-10 - 10:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama's Brownshirts?
Subject: RE: BS: Obama's Brownshirts?
Never was...

And for the record, that is what so-called conservatives (which really ain't conservatives at all but people pissed off that their fraternity ain't suckin' the front teet of corporate America) have become... They aren't eh William Buckey intellectuals... They are thugs...

Any of ya'lls want to ***discuss*** policy then fine but I've had enough of ya'll preachin', cyber-stalkin and game playin'...

Ya'll want to call Obama a "socialist" and someone that weren't born here then yer like the Taliban... Yeah, that's what the Taliban does in Afganistan... They sneak into villiages and scare people and tell them lies... Ya'll righties make me sick!!!

Ain't no policy discussions... Just the same old, same old....

And for the record, ya'll wouldn't understand or recognize a true conservative if he or she bit you on yer partisan asses...

BTW, the Taliban is lookin' for a few "good men"... E-mail yer applications to
