The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129606   Message #2912451
Posted By: greg stephens
23-May-10 - 08:01 AM
Thread Name: Auto-Tune is for Pussies
Subject: RE: Auto-Tune is for Pussies
What I can't understand is, what does this process do to people who who use, for example, variable thirds and sevenths? Bessie Smith uses a complete range of thirds in the same song often..would Autotune reduce all of these notes to either a major or a minor third?
I work a lot with the singer Kate Barfield, who regularly swoops and slides on the same note, from a flat minor third up to a major third and then tails back down again to an indeterminate lower note. So, what would that come out as? I dont really knoqw what's going on here. I remember we were working with some rappers once and one of their computery professor types was processing all the singing and it came out really weird...perhaps he was using this sort of thing? Can anyone elucidate?