The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129606   Message #2912976
Posted By: GUEST,Jonny Sunshine
24-May-10 - 04:56 AM
Thread Name: Auto-Tune is for Pussies
Subject: RE: Auto-Tune is for Pussies
The thing about pitch correction is that you need to be pretty close for it to work well. It won't make a bad singer sound like a good singer. It'll make a bad singer sound like a bad singer with Autotune.

Apart from the obvious artefacts when it's used unsubtly, the thing that bugs me most about overuse of pitch correction is that no-one thinks beyond equal temperament, which is like restricting a photo to 12 colours only. I suspect that 99% of the people using it don't have a clue what most of the controls are.

If you have any sense though, you don't use it on a voice like that, especially when those more subtle shades of pitch are entirely deliberate and part of the performance.