The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127797   Message #2913530
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
24-May-10 - 08:05 PM
Thread Name: Back ground Music, WHY?
Subject: RE: Back ground Music, WHY?
Guest Matt R,

I don't have a hearing aid, as I have managed to protect my hearing in the face of the worst that TV and Cinema can do.

Nevertheless, I am constantly irritated by producers and directors who don't have sufficient faith in the dialogue to let it be heard.

And on the subject of age, I have recently had conversations with a number of local youngsters who, for reasons unknown, rate my musical talents quite positively.

Their response to the above comments regarding their need for loud music was revealing.

Putting it succinctly, I was told "That's crap! When we are listening to music, we like it loud, OK? When we watch a film or play, we want to hear the dialogue. Bear in mind that it's people your age, not ours, who produce these noisy abortions, and we like them even less than you do. Perhaps you should tell them, 'cos they don't listen to us".

Maybe they are right?

Don T.