The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129728   Message #2914405
Posted By: Artful Codger
26-May-10 - 12:42 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Mary-Ann or The Roving Gardener (Clifton)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mary-Ann (or, The Roving Gardener)
ABC transcription of the melody: (piano introduction and verse only; the music for the chorus section was not available, but probably echoes the second half of the verse tune)

X: 1
T: Mary-Ann; or, The Roving Gardener
C: Words and Music by Harry Clifton. [ca. 1864]
S: Period sheet music published by Hopwood & Crew.
Z: by Artful Codger
N: Scan set was missing pages 4 and 5.
M: C
L: 1/8
Q: 1/4=136 "Moderato"
K: Eb
g>a | {c'}b>=ab>c' b2 g>b | a>fg>e f2z B | e2 e>f g>ba>g |
([A4f4] [G2e2]) || (G>A) | B> A B> c B< B G> B | A> F G> E F2 z>B, |
w: ** My* name is Wil-liam Sim-monds, I'm a Gar-de-ner by trade, Serv'd
E E E F (GB) A F | (F4 E2) (G>A) | (B>=A) B> c B2 (G>B) |
w: se-ven years in one* sit-u-a-tion I* first* lost my heart, then*
A> F G> E F2 z>B, | E E E F (GB) A F | (F4 E2) z2 |
w: threw a-way my spade, Oh! lis-ten to my long* la-men-ta-tion
E4 e2 zB | B> =A B< c _d2 zE | E E E2 e2 e> c | =d B3 z2 G> A |
w: Oh! my the world is now to me A Gar-den of great des-o-la-tion; I'm a
B> A B> c B2 G B | A> F G E C2 (EF) | G2 G G G B A F | (F4 E2) z2 x2 ||
w: stem with-out a flow'r since I lost my Ma-ry Ann, And* left in a state of A-gi-ta-tion.
% Chorus section missing from the score scans.

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Click to play (melody)

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