The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127797   Message #2914596
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
26-May-10 - 10:16 AM
Thread Name: Back ground Music, WHY?
Subject: RE: Back ground Music, WHY?
I have unusually sensitive hearing. I carry hearing protection almost always, and I think more people should do it. My preferred brand is Mack's, which are malleable white blobs, not very noticeable. They don't poke my ear canal, the way some other brands do.

Loud noise, even if it's from an enjoyable source, raises the blood pressure and leaves people tired. I use my hearing protectors on airplanes, in certain cars, and on subways. ('Parade' Magazine recently had an article which specifically mentioned wearing protection on subways.)

Unfortunately, I don't feel comfortable eating with hearing protectors over my ears. Chewing makes them bob around too much.

Recently we had dinner with a family that included a girl of four. She was so excited and happy to have company, to be able to show off, and to realize that we liked her. At times her voice would skyrocket up so high and so loud that it felt like every nerve in the trunk of my body was standing on end, trying to protest. But I just sat there and smiled. Some things are too innocent and natural to change.