The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129197   Message #2915102
Posted By: Little Hawk
27-May-10 - 12:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
I'm observing the usual human behaviour in any small village, and commenting on it, mousethief. No, I'm not smug necessarily, but I'm philosophical about the common foibles of man when he gathers in groups. I've seen this kind of thing happening ever since I was in first grade.

The village idiot may indeed be a genuine idiot. Or he may just be unusual in some way. Or both. Nevertheless, the dynamic that typically ensues confers little glory on any of the participants.

Ebbie - I don't really know all that much about Mr Brezinski and I did not listen to his speech, no...but I do think that there are major imperial plans behind American and British foreign policy, and that among those plans are plans to eventually have a war with Iran and to conquer and occupy Iran. Heck, it's plainly obvious that such plans have been in the works for years now. As always, though, the general public has to be prepared for that somehow so that a modicum of popular support can be raised for it, specially in the USA. There has to be one hell of a lot of scare-mongering done first, lots of false rumours and unanswerable accusations, and possibly a false flag attack or two of some kind...or perhaps the Iranians can be conveniently maneuvered into commiting some rash act which will serve just as well to seal their fate. All those kinds of things have worked in the past to get the public onside for a foreign war, so they will also work in the future.

There's nothing the least bit unusual about any of this. Competing empires have been doing this sort of thing all through history in order to get what they want...and what do they want? They want control of strategic resources and they want military/political/financial supremacy in their chosen spheres of influence, that's what. If they're really megalomaniacal, then they see their sphere of influence as encompassing the entire world (as they know it). The Romans saw it that way. The Greeks did too (for awhile). The Germans under Hitler did. Stalin did. The USA and the UK do also. They will do whatever they want to to achieve those ends.

Obama is merely temporary in that picture, as are ALL presidents of the USA. He's an interesting case, a very bright man, and I wonder to what extent he will cooperate with the imperial agenda, and to what extent he will not.