The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129775   Message #2915790
Posted By: Ebbie
28-May-10 - 12:53 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Removing Curses
Subject: RE: Folklore: Removing Curses
Interesting subject. In Juneau I know of several people/households who have used the services of a local Tlingit shaman (He is also a Roman Catholic and sees no conflict between the two). I don't know for a fact that it works but I have been present at several occasions where he 'performed', including a wedding, and I can vouch that he is a tremendous presence.

So far as I know, all of the 'housecleansings' he has done in Juneau were in connection with people who wanted to make a fresh start in a 'new' environment.

Depending on where you live, there may be practitioners of some sort or another- you might want to ask around.