The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129763   Message #2915892
Posted By: Arnie
28-May-10 - 06:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Chandlers - time to pay a ransom?
Subject: RE: BS: Chandlers - time to pay a ransom?
Sending in the Marines sounds like a good option, until you look back at what happened when the French sent in their equivalent of the Marines to rescue two hostages - they managed to shoot dead one of the hostages! I understand the arguement about not paying ransoms, but other countries have paid up to get back their ships and crew, so why not the UK? If the Somali pirates get an opportunity to hijack another British boat, they will do so whatever the UK policy on ransoms. Also, the evidence suggests that the money is not used to sponsor terrorism. A large number of expensive villas have sprung up in the pirates' home province and luxury cars have appeared in the streets - that's where most of the ransom money goes. Obviously some money will be used to buy more arms, but the pirates seem to have no difficulty getting hold of weaponry anyway. The Somali journo who interviewed the Chandlers has said that he fears for their lives if the pirates deduce that no ransom will be forthcoming - is that really a price worth paying for some Foreign Office dogma?