The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129208   Message #2916149
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
28-May-10 - 03:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: off shore oil rig spill and more
Subject: RE: BS: off shore oil rig spill and more
BP CEO Hayward says that they could have done more to prepare for an accident (Wall Street Journal). Looks to me like there were no preparations, period.

"There Was Nobody in Charge" article by Douglas A Blackmon and other Wall Street Journal reporters, May 28, 2010.
The chain of command broke down according to some of those aboard.
A navigation employee, Ms Fleytas, radioed a Mayday; Capt. Kuchta reprimanded her.
Some lifeboats left half empty, some jumped overboard. Seemingly there were no preparations or training for an accident.

The article gives brief descriptions of those who died, all Americans.

BP officials have refused to comment. See previous article, "BP Decisions Set Stage for Disaster.
Some good reporting here.

In WSJ Community, a poll is being taken, "Should BP be Barred from future federal contracts or US oil leases?