The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129775   Message #2916183
Posted By: ClaireBear
28-May-10 - 04:18 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Removing Curses
Subject: RE: Folklore: Removing Curses
Well, I supposeit might as well be true confessions time.

I occupied a dwelling once that after a few months began to feel all kinds of creepy, as if something malign had moved. It kept getting weirder and worse, especially in my bedroom. The last straw was when my very affectionate cat (who'd always slept right next to me through each night) started refusing to so much as set foot in the bedroom. If I picked him up and carried him in, he'd walk right back out again.

It took me about six weeks to figure out what to do, during which time the cat stayed entirely out of that room. But eventually, I invited my friendly neighborhood pagans in and asked them to conduct a cleansing ritual. I assisted. We sang, swept, dusted, and smudged for awhile, sprinkled the salt water sealant around all the sills, and then finally sat down in my bedroom with some little teacakes and a cup of red wine to share. Just as soon as we did that, in sauntered the cat (purring), waited his turn, and when we'd passed the cup around, had a lap of the wine. Then he lay down in the middle of the circle.

I paid my merry band of pagans with a lovely dinner, and once they'd left, I settled in with my cat for the first good night's sleep we'd had in months.

Not many of you know me, but let me assure you that I am not especially credulous, though as I needed help with whatever it was, I worked to remain open to ideas I might ordinarily have dismissed. I doubt the cat was particularly credulous either, as it happens. But what I do not doubt is that all the positive energy we poured into the place worked, because from then on, it was a delightful place to live.