The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129775   Message #2916402
Posted By: katlaughing
29-May-10 - 01:06 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Removing Curses
Subject: RE: Folklore: Removing Curses
In my belief system, we work through seven year cycles. Sounds as though you may be coming to the end of a tough one and what comes in the next cycle could be a whole lot better.

If it helps any, here is an affirmation I might use in this kind of situation, addressed to all situations or individually, esp. to the house: "I bless and release you to your highest good. I give thanks for this, or something better, for the highest good of all concerned." I would also follow the above advice about smudging with sage, though I wouldn't just do it inside, I would also walk all the way round the outside doing the same. Even if you didn't have problems with the house, imo, it's always good to have a house blessing when moving or out of a new space. I talked to an old house we rented in New England. It was sad that we were leaving, so I took time to sit in a chair in the attic and just talk to it, giving thanks for the great home it had provided us.

May you find peace and prosperity in all ways,
