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Thread #129466   Message #2916403
Posted By: GUEST,Guest Teribus
29-May-10 - 01:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: US bigots attack British Company (oil spill)
Subject: RE: BS: US bigots attack British Company (oil spill)
1. Transocean provides the rig and crew to operate it. They (Transocean?) can do nothing in regard to the drilling except give advice.

Absolute rubbish, BP are the Operator of the Field or concession (i.e. the licence holder), Transocean are the specialist contractor brought in to drill the well, as specialist contractor they are responsible to see that they operate safely, they are responsible for ensuring that their equipment is well maintained and "fit for purpose", they are responsible for checking and verifying that CPI (Company Provided Items) issued to them by BP are in good order and "fit for purpose" in relation to their (Transocean's) equipment, methods and operating procedures. As Operator BP is ultimately responsible irrespective, whether or not they are to blame or at fault is another matter entirely.

2. When first drilling down, a BP manager ordered a faster pace Due to the faster pace, the bottom of the well split open and the well had to be abandoned, costing BP millions.

I take it then that on that particular occasion Transocean could not have felt in the mood for giving advice.

<3.>A rig accident damaged the annular at the top of the blowout preventer. The crew sealed the pipe, but too much force was applied, and chunks of the rubber annular came up in the drilling fluid.
The supervisor said it was no big deal.

A rig accident? Did something hit the top of the blow-out preventer as it stood on deck? If so Transocean at fault for not having protective cap in place; not employing safe crane operating procedures; poor crane operation. I say Transocean as BP would not be involved in any of the above. Was the top of the BOP struck by something under water? Again it is Transocean at fault they are physically carrying out the work, it is their hands that are on the levers, and it is their judgement that is used with regard to when those levers are pulled and things landed on.

The crew sealed the pipe, but too much force was applied? Again the men making up that "crew" would be Transocean's responsibility, working under direct Transocean supervision in accordance with Transocean's standard operating procedures.

<4.> It will be some time before the investigative committee reports, but it looks like a sloppy, careless crew were on the drill floor and mud control procedures were overridden by BP supervisor.

Ah! so now the "Nurnberg Defence" holds good does it? "I was only following orders". Again complete and utter rubbish. Transocean were there as the specialists, the experts, that is why they were given the contract, if they were asked to do anything that they thought compromised the safety of the job they should have refused to do it. It is called maintaining your professional integrity.

PS: He (Mike Williams)stated that an official from BP complained that the drilling procedure was taking too long and costing too much money. He ordered changes in the normal drilling practices and insisted that they "speed it up!"

Normal operating condition, from personal experience Operators the world over always complain that the drilling is taking too long and costing too much. He can order all he wants, he can demand and stamp and shout, He is incapable of actually implementing his orders or demands so if it is not safe then it does not get done if the senior members of the Transocean Team are doing their jobs correctly.