The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129212   Message #2916742
Posted By: wysiwyg
29-May-10 - 04:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: May 2010 Declutter & Accountability
Subject: Tip: Liners, Hygiene
Speaking of heat---

More info available by PM. But if the following does not apply to you, kindly ignore it.



Years ago women did not use the same types of undergarments that are now considered *de rigeur.* Whatever they did use was called *unmentionables.* Thus we lack detail on how the heck women of old times stayed fresh under trying circumstances.

You can catch a hot clue from the large cotton square found in most oldschool first aid boxes. Doubled into a triangle, it's a sling. Any Girl Scout or Boy Scout knows a lot of other nifty tricks.

Here is one that has been my comfort.

The fabric I use is old, used cotton. Soft from washing, not too stiff or tightly woven, but also not too loosely woven. Not gauzy.

Rip up old sheets (COTTON) to make squares the size it takes your bra to go around the front half of you. I do not hem-- more layers to trap moisture I'd rather wicks away. (Smallish bits left over-- snotrags.)

One of these, folded into fourths to make a narrower band, goes under large boobs on a hot, sticky day to wick away moisture; powder feels and smells nice at first, but really just holds moisture in place. (The resulting infections-- yeast and bacterial-- can be really hard to get rid of in hot weather.) The bra goes on over top; the liner will keep that layer dry. Tug the liner up into the same curve your body creates under each breast, for a resulting W shape to the fabric.

Another liner, folded in half, can go any other place that gets sweaty and sticky-- such as loose skin left over from weight loss. Over that one goes whatever else you usually wear, but the liner will keep that layer dry.

I carry one or two of these liners in my purse, and more in my travel bag. On some really long days I might throw one away at a public loo, because they get nasty, and then I boogie on re-freshened. On a really hot day around the house while I do chores, I will go through several sets in a day, plus re-folding often to put a fresh dry spot where it is needed.

I launder these with no soap, because the last thing one needs in any of these places is soap or perfume residue.

Mine are color-coded. :~) I sleep in so many places in our rambling ole house I have to keep my stashes straight.

Goodwill/Sallies are good sources. But check fiber content and texture Gauzy textures can abrade the skin when damp, making it all worse than when one started.

When we camp, these are hand-rinsed. They dry quick on a breezy day for re-use.
