The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129815   Message #2917049
Posted By: VirginiaTam
30-May-10 - 02:44 AM
Thread Name: Eurovision Song Contest
Subject: RE: Eurovision Song Contest
Just as well USA aren't in it. They would come last.


That will teach us to suck up to USA.

I only threw my 2 bits in because Arthur_itis (I love that handle) started picking on my home country


because Smokey attacked Bjork.

I felt a bit compelled defend my country's musical taste in not being involved in such a contest (even if I don't live there) and I especially had to defend Bjork.

She is wonderful. End of!

I didn't see any more of the contest this year than the accidental station change which showed me Romania. I was so put off by my first proper encounter, last year. I wanted to sit through and try to give it an honest hearing, which I did to a point until it became too tedious because the dross far outweighed the interesting, unusual and even really good.

Maybe I don't understand the contest remit. Is it all just a lark? Who decides which contries may enter? Who decides which artist from each country will be put forward?

Maybe it is all too political.