The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129832 Message #2917217
Posted By: *#1 PEASANT*
30-May-10 - 12:05 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Aa Could Hew (Ed Pickford)
Subject: Lyr Add: Aa Could Hew
Aa Could Hew
1. When Aa was young and in me prime
Ee, aye,-- Aa could hew; Wey, Aa was hewin' aal the time,
Noo me hewin' days are through, through, Noo me hewin' days are through.
2. At the face the dust did flee, Ee aye Aa could hew; But noo the dust is killin' me,
Noo me hewin' days are through, through, Noo me hewin' days are through
3 Aa/ve lain doon flat an shoveled coal, Ee, aye, Aa could hew, Me eyes did smart in the dustfilled hole; Noo me hewin' days are through, through, Noo me hewin/ days are through.
4. Aa. ve worked wi' marras and they were men, Ee, aye, Aa could hew, Wey, they were men and sons of men; Noo me hewin/ days are through, through, Noo me hewin/ days are through.
5. Aa knaa that work was made by men, Ee, aye, Aa could hew, But whe made dust Aa.ll nivvor ken; Noo me hewin' days are through, through, Noo me hewin' days are through.
6. It's soon this pit nee mair Aa'll see, Ee, aye, Aa could hew, But we'll carry it roond inside o' me; Noo me hewin' days are through, through, Noo me hewin' days are through.