The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24195   Message #2917242
Posted By: Reiver 2
30-May-10 - 12:45 PM
Thread Name: Lyr/Chords Req: Sinking of the Titanic
Subject: Lyr Add: TITANIC
This was a fun song to sing. I used to sing it along with "Thais" and "Abdul-the-Bul-Bul-Ameer." My words to Titanic were slightly different than the lyrics I found here, and had a couple more verses:


             D                            G             D
1. Oh they built the ship Titanic, for to sail the ocean blue,
   And they thought they had a ship that the sea would not leak thru,
             D             D7             G
   But the Lord's almighty hand knew that ship could never stand,
          D             A7             D
   It was sad when that great ship went down.

                G                      D
CHO: Oh, it was sad, Lord, sad; Oh, it was sad, Lord, sad.
    It was sad when that great ship went down.
          [to the bottom of the...]
      D            D7             G   
    Husbands and wives, little children lost their lives,
             D             A7             D
    It was sad when that great ship went down.

2. Oh they sailed from old England and they were not far from shore,
   Whe the rich refused to associate with the poor,
   So they put them down below, where they were the first to go...
   It was sad when that great ship went down. [Cho.]

3. Oh, the ship was full of sin and the sides about to burst,
   When the Captain shouted, "Women and children first!"
   Then the Captain tried to wire but the lines were all on fire,
   It was sad when that great ship went down. [Cho.]

4. Oh the ship was fast a-sinking in the North Atlantic fog,
   When the First Mate wrote the last words in the log;
   The the Captain dried his eye as he kissed his wife goodbye.
   It was sad when that great ship went down. [Cho.]

5. Then they swung the lifeboats out o'er the deep and raging sea
   And the band struck up with "Nearer My God To Thee."
   Little children wept and cried as the waves swept o'er the side,
   It was sad when that great ship went down. [Cho.]

6. They were screamin' and a-shoutin' as the waves swept o'er the side
   They were jumpin' overboard and a-sinkin' in the tide.
   History was made that night, oh my God, it was a sight;
   It was sad when that great ship went down. [Cho.]

7. Oh they waited through the night, without a light in sight.
   And then toward dawn there came a beamin' light.
   Oh the rescue ships came fast and a few were saved at last;
   It was sad when that great ship went down. [Cho.]

8. Oh they built the ship Titanic for to last a thousand years,
   But the Lord's good hand couldn't save it from its fears;
   And an iceberg on the wave sent it to a watery grave,
   It was sad when that great ship went down.

One problem I always had with this song was that it came across as a very funny song about a sad and tragic disaster. How to balance that contradiction always benefited from a bit of explanation to an audience before or after singing it. Some discussion of how "literary license" modified facts, also seemed appropriate.

Reiver 2