The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129713   Message #2917409
Posted By: Leadfingers
30-May-10 - 06:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: A Bear With A Sore Toe
Subject: RE: BS: A Bear With A Sore Toe
Five little pigs walk into a bar - First Little Piggy asks for a Dry Sherry - Second Little Piggy asks for a Jack Daniels - Third Little Piggy asks for a Drambui - Fourth Little Piggy asks for a Scotch - Fifth Little Piggy asks for Ten Pints Of Black and Tan !
The Barman says " All your little friends have ordered LITTLE drinks , but you've ordered Ten pints of B;ack and Tan - WHY ?"
And the Fifth Little Piggy says "I'm the Little Piggy thats going to go Wee Wee all the way home"