The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129212   Message #2917914
Posted By: katlaughing
31-May-10 - 04:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: May 2010 Declutter & Accountability
Subject: RE: BS: May 2010 Declutter & Accountability
With reluctant help from my Rog (he's really tired...not one day off this weekend...had to go in to fix a broken camera this morning) and Colin who both seem to think they need a day off(??):-) I have rearranged the living room. Moved the bakers rack cum bookshelf full of Morgan's books and treasures back to the office where it will be easier to get to. I also went through the books, easier to do without him here, and put about a half of a shelf's worth in a giveaway box, already put in the car. Colin took a wooden table top book rack which either his dad or my second ex-spouse made in high school shop. It's really well made but nothing fancy.

Also moved out a card table which filled a corner with Morgan's easel, paints, and lots of junk clutter. His small table now holds the "important" things on a different wall; the rest is gone. The mini-trampoline went out, too. I know he will miss it, but he won't be here much this summer except on the weekends, at least that is what I've been told, so no need to have it taking up so much room. (He's been gone since Friday. They were supposed to be back yesterday, so I was going to have him help. Poor kid has had a virus since Saturday, so they aren't getting back until later tonight. Don't know what they will do with him tomorrow for first day at camp. When I called, he was asleep.)

In the now empty corner, I put a small narrow table which holds a small music keyboard which he loves to play, plus a stool my granddad made which is just right as a "piano" stool. I am getting our larger keyboard back soon from my brother, so needed more space for the keyboard. That's going to be a surprise for Morgan. He started picking out, and remembering, his own tunes on the little one then said, "Mama, let's go get me a piano!" I could have my brother's, but we'd much rather have an electronic one for all we can do with one re' my brother's music, etc. Now, there is also room for the taiko drum on a small chair beside the music keyboard. I will be getting a coat rack to mount on the wall and will then hang the dulcimers, ukulele, baritone uke, and parlour banjo and maybe the plucked psaltery on it so we will have a music corner.

I also mopped up some cat "womit" and mopped the bathroom, though not a very good job as I was getting a bit tired. Still have more to do, but it's a good start and got me a lot of activity points!:-)