The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24852   Message #291802
Posted By: Uncle Jaque
05-Sep-00 - 10:07 PM
Thread Name: NH Mudcat Gathering in November!
Subject: RE: NH Mudcat Gathering in November!
Naemanson: Actually, I opened for Killiam's Minstrels some 7 years ago at the then chocolate Church in Bath, doing Civil War songs in uniform on my gut - strung Parlor guitar, and was pretty well recieved. Well, at least they didn't throw anything! Don't do much in public anymore, but it can be fun (especially when we don't screw up too bad). Stopped in at the Highlands in Topsham where my Mom resides this afternoon for a "Social", which was entirely too sedate, so broke out the pennywhistle and proceeded to liven things up a bit. Seeing smiles break out on those weathered faces - Mom's included - just made my day! I'd like to get in touch with ye without constipating this nice forum too much, but apparantly the sharing of "personal" e-dresses and the like is verboten. Feel welcome to drop in at "my" discussion forum on Delphi:

I think that this site has accomidations for direct communications between participants. I collect and try to learn / perform American music of the 1800 - 1865 period, with an emphasis on Gospel, Patriotic, and Nautical songs. Some real doozies have been unearthed and are being worked up - would love to share 'em sometime. Perhaps the "Mocha" (what's it gonna be next year? Black rasberry?) Church could be the place! I'll look fwd to hearing from ye Mate!