The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129916   Message #2919340
Posted By: artbrooks
02-Jun-10 - 05:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Open Carry: Guns in Public
Subject: RE: BS: Open Carry: Guns in Public
Here in New Mexico, concealed carry is strictly regulated, requiring a background check, a license and both safety and "how to shoot" training. On the other hand, UNconcealed carry is completely unregulated, except that stores, etc. can post the premises as "no guns allowed". That includes handguns in bars, by the way. It scares the crap out of me. People I know who carry, such as my brother, say that they are protecting me from such folks as convenience store robbers...personally, I'd rather take a chance with the bandit than get in the middle of a crossfire of a couple of would-be Wyatt Earps. It isn't likely to change, however.