The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129916 Message #2919405
Posted By: Joe Offer
02-Jun-10 - 07:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Open Carry: Guns in Public
Subject: RE: BS: Open Carry: Guns in Public
I think the extremists make it very difficult for the pro-gun lobby, because it seems they scare everyone into supporting the extremist position. I think the same thing has happened in both political parties, but especially the Republicans. The extremists have beaten the reasonable people into corners. It's hard for moderates to get hold of things because they see both sides of the issue and seek balance. Explaining a reasonable balance can rarely be done in a sound bite, so the sloganeers on the extremes win out.
Can't say I've ever heard of de-testiclification that John P describes above, but it sounds possible. I used to investigate applicants for the Border Patrol, and I had two applicants who had trouble sitting for a good, long time. They stowed a pistol in their belt, the gun discharged, and they lost a cheek. I wonder if they were hired...
It seems clear to me that armed demonstrators intend to intimidate. There oughta be a law against that.