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Thread #129911   Message #2919478
Posted By: Bill D
02-Jun-10 - 09:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Al & Tipper Gore Divorce?
Subject: RE: BS: Al & Tipper Gore Divorce?
And your comments on "equivocation" when it was Bush being called a fearmonger?"....Bush used fear when he KNEW, or should have known, that the danger he touted was faked! *I* did not say anything about Bush when he first claimed the Saddam had WMDs. He was president...he was not my choice, but he was supposed to have access to good data, and I gave him the benefit of the doubt!
There are countless videos of Bush using 'fear' to get HIS policies approved AFTER he should have known better. He either LIED or he was misled...or he was just stupid and couldn't tell good data if it bit his butt!

There is no comparison to someone using scientific data supported by many neutral sources to warn us of global warming.

This, once again, is your ONLY argument form..."you never said anything when MY side was being criticized"!

When will you get past the idea that 'perceived' 'double-standard' speaks to the truth or falsity of a claim?

(and I STILL don't care what Teresa Heinz Kerry said!)