The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129916 Message #2919506
Posted By: Bobert
02-Jun-10 - 09:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Open Carry: Guns in Public
Subject: RE: BS: Open Carry: Guns in Public
My exact sentiments, BillD...
And, for tyhe record, they ***are*** loonies... That ain't like Rap... They are sissies who think that gun makes them John Wayne... Very bad combination... I mean, how many friggin' people were gunned down at Dennys last year??? Well, I'll tell ya how many... None, that's how many...
But Mr. Bigshot Gunnut has to strap on his 9mm to go to Dennys to get breakfast... But, no, that ain't the end of the story... He ahs to cvall about a dozen of his sissie buddies to strap on their heat and make it a 9mm-in@Dennys...
Like I said... Screw these sissie cowards... They make me sick...
But the NRA loves 'um...
No wonder Charlton Heston lost his mind... I think I'd loose mine to if I had to come up with justification for these punk's right to turn Dennys into a friggin' armed camp!!!