The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129911   Message #2919873
Posted By: beardedbruce
03-Jun-10 - 01:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Al & Tipper Gore Divorce?
Subject: RE: BS: Al & Tipper Gore Divorce?
" call him a crook for his dishonesty. "

This is refering to MouseCrook.

He is being dishonest about MY statements.

The point that those who opposed Gore were making money, so their facts can be ignored, while Innocent Saint Al ( making money hand over fist) is to be taken on faith.

THAT was what was presented here, in support of telling any who disagreed with Goreists they were wrong. The FACTS that were presented were dismissed out of hand, because those presenting those facts were making money.

But that ONLY applied to one side- hence the dishonesty.