The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129911   Message #2919887
Posted By: Skivee
03-Jun-10 - 02:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Al & Tipper Gore Divorce?
Subject: RE: BS: Al & Tipper Gore Divorce?
Bruce, you seem to be slasmming St. Al because he has been a successful businessman while promoting attention to a situation that most scientists I know believe exists, but that many of us normal joes tend to ignore.( please pardon the run-on sentence.)
What part of his perported millions were made illegally? Is the fact that he made money immoral? Did he violate some public trust? My favoprite photo of St. Al is the one where he's wearing a loincloth and those gute wire rimmed glasses while sitting crossed-legged at his spinning wheel.
Did he promise that he would not make money while promoting knowledge of global climate change? Is the money he made a direct result of his global climate change speachafying? $199 Million on the rubber chicken circuit for showing a slide show???
Damn, I'm in the wrong business.