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Thread #129944   Message #2920135
Posted By: Emma B
03-Jun-10 - 08:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Saddest news article.
Subject: RE: BS: Saddest news article.
The phrase 'evil' empire was applied especially to the Soviet Union by U.S. President Ronald Reagan

"Axis of evil" is a term initially used by the former United States President George W. Bush in his State of the Union Address on January 29, 2002 and often repeated throughout the rest of his stay in office, describing governments that he accused of helping terrorism and seeking weapons of mass destruction.

Consequently considerable havoc was wreaked on Iraq despite the fact that the commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks reported that they found "no credible evidence" of a link between Iraq and al-Qaida in attacks against the United States, in fact the al-Qaida leader had previously provided support for "anti-Saddam Islamists in Iraqi Kurdistan."

Bill I certainly never said you had approved the killing of innocents (although I'm not altogther certain what you mean by your inverted commas) I merely wished to point out that CIA operatives are also not uniformed combatants they are NOT 'definable and identifiable' they are not even 'in the field'

So where are the 'rules'?

A wedding party (they do not 'pass for civilians' they ARE civilians) is blown up from a distance or a suicide bomber blows up a civilian building - an eye for an eye until we are all blind?