The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129916   Message #2920137
Posted By: Bobert
03-Jun-10 - 08:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Open Carry: Guns in Public
Subject: RE: BS: Open Carry: Guns in Public
Well, I think it would be very interesting to have an independent organization do the research on whether or not guns make us safer... I mean, both sides seem to have their "white paper" ready to roll out... One side says that guns save lives... The other say they cost lives... Somewhere there is the truth...

Persoanlly??? I don't believe anything the NRA says... I was a member for years until they became an instgrument of the right wing and started sending me stuff supporting right winged issues... Took years for that stuff to quit ending up in my mail box...

But nevermind that... Time for a little sanity and less shoot-from-the-hip (pun intended) studies that prove absolutely nothing excdept that someone has a dog in the race...

Personally, Part2??? As I have stated, or maybe I haven't, I don't wnat to go to a resturant, where there has never been a shooting, and have a half a dozen cowboy-wantabees come in with holsters and guns... Cops??? Yeah... Wimps and rednecks??? No, thanks... That seems an infringement on my right to have a peaceful meal in a public resturant...

BTW, there are alot of these guys her in Virginia who do this just because they can... It's about the same as the kids who have 10 million watt stereos in their cars that you can hear a mile away... One is sound pollution... Guns are sight pollution... Living and let living is just that... If I kndew that I was making someone uncomfortable I wouldn't do what ever it was I was doing... These creeps know they are making people uncomfortable and they eat it up... F'n a-holes!!! Period... No one is safer... Just uncomfortable... Like I said, f'n a-holes... Borish, insensitive f'n a-holes...
