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Thread #129911   Message #2920143
Posted By: Ebbie
03-Jun-10 - 08:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Al & Tipper Gore Divorce?
Subject: RE: BS: Al & Tipper Gore Divorce?
The one thing I had not thought of you being is dishonest, Bruce- deluded, yes, fretful, yes, boneheaded, well.... But these statements to my mind are, as Amos might say, pure dee dishonest:

Claim: "They insist that by draconian control ( by themselves) they can STOP it. They make NO attempt to deal with the results- they concentrate ENTIRELY on "stopping the rising tide".

Untrue. Either you never heard him nor read what he had to say, or your memory is poor and very selective but neither part of that sentence is true.

Claim: "But Saint Al says just give him and his ilk control, tranfer wealth to the pooer countries ( who are doing what basic research?) and he will make it all better."

Untrue, slanderous, libelous claptrap.

Claim: "A pure scam, IMHO." If the above is what you really believe, then I can see why you would think of it that way. You can own your opinion- but the facts do not support it.

Claim: "I was told that the reason to ignore any contrary facts was because they were being put out by "rich evil energy companies?"

Without going through dozens of posts I cannot label this statement as untrue, but I VERY (As you would say "yelling") much doubt it. Come on: Are you saying that's a direct quote?

So. I guess I will add 'dishonest' to the list.