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Thread #129916 Message #2921862
Posted By: gnu
06-Jun-10 - 02:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Open Carry: Guns in Public
Subject: RE: BS: Open Carry: Guns in Public
In Canuckistan, Possession Only License (can't purchase). Possession and Aquisition License may be for long guns only or for restriceted weapons also (pistols, automatics).
POLs and PALs may only be obtained by persons who over a certain age or by persons under that age who have successfully passed the Canada Firearms Safety Course.
Weapons must be registered... but this "changes" between Liberal and Conservative governments. Conservative governments "belay" the requirement.
No carry at all. You may transport a long gun to and from it's venue of use by the SHORTEST possible route and it must be HIDDEN (even if that is simply a bedsheet well tied). Restricted weapons must be transported in a locked manner.
All weapons in a residence must be locked and ammo must be in separate locked storage.
That is a snippet.
It does not stop the criminals. Especially in the case of home invasion, which has become far more frequent since the laws were put in place at a cost of some $1.6B... but, if it has saved lives and WILL CONTINUE to do so, I guess it's a good thing overall.
Having said all that, I have once again contributed to thread drift, but I guess it's a good thing overall.