The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129916   Message #2922107
Posted By: mousethief
06-Jun-10 - 10:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Open Carry: Guns in Public
Subject: RE: BS: Open Carry: Guns in Public
The more nutcases pull stunts like open carrying to presidential speeches with signs calling for murder, open carry en masse into Denny's, and so on, the more "people who want all our guns taken away" there will be. Perhaps one day they will reach some kind of critical mass and form a lobby that has even more money than the NRA. The mouth-foaming gun nuts can't say they didn't deserve it. The ordinary Joe Hunter or Joe Collector will pay -- perhaps unfairly -- for association with the nuts.

An ex-friend on Facebook (my ex-friending him had nothing to do with this topic) was crying because he had purchased a bunch of guns and ammo after Obama was elected but before he took office, in the fear that he was going to take everybody's guns away. And now he's stuck with all these guns and all this ammo he doesn't want, and they're worth less than what he paid for them because the panic has subsided and even the lunkheads who do such things realize Obama's not about to create gun-confiscation roadblocks any time soon. It was hard not to laugh at his stupidity, and gullibility to believe all the Obama-haters said.

I lie. I did laugh.