The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129944   Message #2922216
Posted By: Lox
07-Jun-10 - 05:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Saddest news article.
Subject: RE: BS: Saddest news article.

Ake has summed it up.

Your inference is based on the following logic - if someone denounces murder by group x, then it follows that they support murder by group y.

Now there is noone on here saying that they support the acts of 9/11.

There are no news articles in our media saying that it was a reason to be cheerful.

So there is no need to argue that case as everyne on here already agrees.

In addition, Al-qaeda does not claim to represent ME.

It does not fund its campaign with OUR tax dollars and pounds.

Leadfingers - are you American?

If so, then that drone blew up those children with your tax dollars.

If so, then your country has claimed to have done it in your name.

So the reason why this issue is of so much importance to me is that I reject my country's claim that it is representing my interest by murdering those children.

My country cannot say that it stands for human rights and then carelessly murder children AND THEN claim that it has won some kind of victory.

The point is that there is NO cause for celebration.

The event being discussed WAS a tragedy.