The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129987   Message #2922221
Posted By: Marje
07-Jun-10 - 05:47 AM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Drawing Near to the Merry Month of May
Subject: RE: Tune:Copper Family-Drawing Near to Merry Mo of May
The tune is quite similar to the Padstow May Song (Unite and Unite..), so they may be related. I've never come across this one in the Coppers repertoire (where's Jon Dudley when you need him?).

It doesn't seem particularly puzzling to me, Bill, that it's wrongly attributed to the Coppers on the Digital Tradition. The DT is not a scholarly, authoritative work, it's more like a Wikepedia of folk, and this is very probably a simple mistake. Someone has most likely confused it with Pleasant Month of May (above) which is a completely different, unrelated song.
