The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59479   Message #2923130
Posted By: Rockhen
08-Jun-10 - 11:50 AM
Thread Name: Why aren't there more all-girl bands?
Subject: RE: Why aren't there more all-girl bands?
In my own limited experience as an amateur female musician, my rehearsals with my all female band were affected frequently by family situations when if the children of others were ill or needed lifts etc...and one or other of the band had to forgo music for family. However, for some strange reason, whenever I have been in bands with male musicians, they don't seem to be affected by this in the same way. I can honestly say that I can't remember them cancelling for anything but ill health (of themselves!) or something major.
I am lucky, my other half knows how important my music is to me as he is also a musician. So, I have been able to spend time practising and gigging when it has arisen, in the same way that he has.
Most music nights I go to have much fewer female musicians there, than male. Maybe it will change in time. I hope so. It can be a bit lonely out there sometimes when you are the only female in a room but fortunately most musicians, male or female seem fairly welcoming and decent.