The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56206 Message #2925275
Posted By: 3'Shift
11-Jun-10 - 04:58 AM
Thread Name: New Harmonica attacks Mustache!!!!!
Subject: RE: New Harmonica attacks Mustache!!!!!
Must be we all have some very idiosyncratic moustaches. I used to get this maybe once in 6 mo. on my Hohners, but now I'm using some Lee Oskars it's once-any-night-I-play. It had occurred to me to try something like that idea with the wax on the crack at the end of the guard-plate, trouble is by the time I get home I've forgotten about it.
In the meantime I will just enhance my growing reputation as very sensitive aesthetically - every now & again I just freeze, as if transfixed by the beauty of it all, tears run down my cheeks, I'm obviously deeply moved...