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Thread #130120   Message #2925838
Posted By: Paul Burke
11-Jun-10 - 07:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Atrocities (Other Than Israeli)
Subject: RE: BS: Atrocities (Other Than Israeli)
The Democratic Republic of Congo has been an atrocity since it was acquired by King Leopold of Belgium as his personal fiefdom.

The Russians have managed to turn a secular independence movement in Chechenya into an Islamist terrorist campaign.

Japan is building up trouble for the future by buying Cambodia over the heads of the people who happen to live there.

(Hamas were a democratically elected government by the way)

Tibet/ China. Nothing more needed.

Or several other parts of the Chinese empire they wish.

The US doesn't own Diego Garcia. It is held illegally in defiance of a ruling of the British High Court. However, we colonials haven't yet resorted to direct action to free it.

Most of the ex-Soviet -stans are human rights nightmares. When they aren't perpetuated by the Putin regime, they are US supported.

But Israel is the biggest problem because:

- it proclaims itself as a religious state
- it's an apartheid regime
- it stops any progress over peace in the Middle East
- and consequently exposes all of us to the actions of people who oppose Israel *
- it has concealed WMD
- it occupies land seized from neighbouring countries
- it is in open defiance of more than two UN resolutions
- it destroys the economies of the land it occupies

If the world gave the same attention to Chinese actions in Tibet that it gave to Iraq's far more benign actions in Kuwait, I for one would be pleased. But all US leaders have been in thrall to China, mostly because they could sink your economy overnight if they wanted, so they don't object to anything- not even North Korea (China's bit of fun).