The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130120   Message #2926038
Posted By: mousethief
12-Jun-10 - 02:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Atrocities (Other Than Israeli)
Subject: RE: BS: Atrocities (Other Than Israeli)
Belgians in the Congo.

Americans propping up the Pinochet regime.

Dutch East Indies Company treatment of East Indies natives.

Early American settlers sending smallpox-infected blankets to Native American tribes.

The Vikings terrorizing the British Isles

The Romans salting the fields outside Carthage.

Various British massacres in India during the Raj.

The burning of the library at Alexandria.

Feeding Christians to the lions in the Roman arenas.

The Shoah.


The Israelite conquest of Canaan as portrayed in the Biblical book of Joshua.

The Spanish Inquisition.

The 30 Years' War.

Kit Carson's assault on the Navajo.

The Trail of Tears.

Invasion of Poland, 1939.

The Somme.


The Gulags.

The Russian Revolution.

The French Revolution.

"Decimation" as practiced by the Romans.

The Fourth Crusade.

All the other Crusades.

Expulsion of the Jews from Spain, Gypsies from Britain, etc.

Treatment of native Peruvians by Pizarro.

Treatment of native Alaskans by Russians.

Battle of Kosovo (1448).

Invasion of England , 1066.

Burning of Moscow, 1812.

Attempted destruction of the Nez Pierce.

Kent State.

Sinking of the Lusitania.

The reign of Bloody Mary.

Cambodia's killing fields.

Tienanmen Square.

My Lai massacre.

Boxer Rebellion.

Black Hole of Calcutta.

Cancelling of "Firefly".

Using the sufferings of others to score cheap rhetorical points.